
Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Haiku Poems

Buenos Tardes Everyone,

In my class Hurumanu 4 class we have been doing Haiku Poems well the class is actually art but we are doing Haiku poems

The Sun Flickered Of  Water =5=7-Syllables

The Water Skimmed Off The Sky =7=9-Syllables

Tree Leaves Fell From Branches=5=9-Syllables

If you know Haiku poems then you know this Haiku poems can have 5 words in the first line and the second line can have 7 and the last line has 5 and there can only be 3 paragraphs it has been really fun doing them but hard for me to make a haiku poem I am really bad at it so yeah I hope you enjoyed my poem 

Please leave me some feedback.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Tom And The Look Around Poster

Buenos Tardes,

Last week I was doing a DLO i had a little bit of options but I chose a poster for my book Tom and the look around book so yeah here is my poster 
I hope you liked my poster well Tom and the look around isn't really a book its a journal so yeah

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Bok Choy

Buenos Tardes Everyone,

Today I have been doing some reading this weeks book is.... Drum roll Please.............
lets get started.
My questions for this one are....

Describe Jacobs personality? Jacob is just a little boy with his mom and has fallen in the water and saved by Ah Sum.

Why did Jacob run off? Jacob ran off because he had the urge to go fishing.

How did Jacob feel when he woke up? He felt happy and warm inside.

How does the author feel about racism?Paul Mason he felt that he couldn't deal with it 

Predict what would happen if Ah Sum hadn't found Jacob in the river?Jacob would've drowned in the river and his mother would be terribly sad 

What does ancestors mean? Ancestors mean people before you.

Thank you for reading my blog post. Please leave me some feedback

Tuesday, 9 June 2020


Buenos Dias Everyone,

In my art class we have been doing some art for our tapa designs if you don't know what that is its a painting that you can do with bark but me and my class we have done and i have a photo of it but I still wanna keep telling you mostly about it so just look at the photos and contuine reading the rest of the blog post down there
and the ingredients we used was water paint and charcoal and paper
so the last one was the one I have previously done and the first one was the one I did last Friday and yeah so my tapa art had something to do with my Haiku poems I haven't finished the Haiku poem post just yet so stay tuned for that too so back to the tapa art ummmm yeah we have been doing that art it was pretty cool so we used charcoal it was hard my kept breaking cause I was pushing on it too hard and yeah you can dry do this at home too
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Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Tom And The Look Around

Buenos Tardes Everyone,

Today I have been doing some reading I changed to Bh reading from Ds but last week we were reading books in our level i'm in the green group and the book I read was Tom and the look around for this blog post I'm not supposed to explain what we were doing I'm supposed to answer some questions about my book so lets get started.

I can't share with you the link to the site that lets you read the book so sorry
Lets get started on the questions

Why Was Tom Angry? Tom was angry because his mom was stuck on work and his dad had just let him and he has to stay with granddad.

Did He Handle His Anger Well? A little bit he went down to the shore and fished and let go of his anger.

Is The Anything He Could Of Done Differently? He could've done a breathing technique/ask someone to help him like a therapist.

How Did Tom Feel When He Calmed Down? He felt disappointed of himself because he yelled at his mom he didn't mean to yell at his mom he was just upset.

Is There Similarities/Differences Between Tom And The Kekeno? Tom was mad at his mom for working. The Kekeno was lost and was left on the beach shore.

Can You Relate To Tom In Anyway? To be honest I can't but the story was really good.

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